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Omnia TUSCIA is a non-profit association that was created to encourage the cultural growth of the territory and its knowledge also in the international field.

To do this, the Association takes care of promoting local excellence in the economic, cultural and scientific fields through the organization or sponsorship of meetings and seminars with the social realities present in the area, as well as through any other initiative suitable for the development of deeper and extensive realities between the institutions and the economic and cultural environments of Tuscia and foreign countries.


What is Tuscia?

With this name, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the entire territory of what had been the VII Regio Etruria, extended from Luni (Massa Carrara) to Rome, was indicated.
With the "Donation of Sutri" of the year 728, made by the Lombard king Liutprando to Pope Gregory II, the portion of the territory corresponding to the north of Lazio became part of the assets of the Church of Rome.
The rest of Tuscia remained Lombard and, following the historical events, later became the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, still maintaining the same name as Region today. Instead the Papal State disappeared, the original name of Tuscia remained therefore to indicate only the territory of the current Province of Viterbo, which is now part of the Lazio Region.
It is a territory in which the modest population density and the scarce industrial development have favored the conservation of a large part of its natural environment and its biodiversity which manifests itself in the north in the vast portion of Maremma between the Fiora river that originates from Mount Amiata, to the ancient cities of Tuscania and Tarquinia, to the east with the hills that slope towards the Tiber river where Bagnoregio with its Civita rises, near Orvieto, in the center with the lakes of Bolsena, Vico and Viterbo, the medieval city of the Popes and capital that was the seat of the first Conclave in the history of the Catholic Church in 1271 and finally to the south, towards Rome, along the path of the Via Francigena and the ancient Roman consuls Cassia and Flaminia with the hills and woods of the Cimini mountains and the cities of Civita Castellana and Sutri.
A biodiversity and an environment  that guarantee excellent agricultural production, in particular in the fruit and vegetable, oil and dairy sectors.
In addition to its name, ancient Etruria is evoked in these lands by the resonance of the numerous sites that marked its history in the clash with Rome, such as those of the cities of Tarquinia and Vulci with their grandiose necropolis, which are flanked for archaeological importance many others such as those of Norchia, Castel D'Asso, S.Giuliano whose magnificent finds embellish many national and foreign museums.

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About Omnia TUSCIA

Omnia TUSCIA is a non-profit association that was created to encourage the cultural growth of the territory and its knowledge also in the international field.

To do this, the Association takes care of promoting local excellence in the economic, cultural and scientific fields through the organization or sponsorship of meetings and seminars with the social realities present in the area, as well as through any other initiative suitable for the development of deeper and extensive realities between the institutions and the economic and cultural environments of Tuscia and foreign countries.
