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Giornata sulla nocciola - articolo comparso sull'Agenzia di Stampa Ufficiale di Cuba

A seguito della Giornata sulla Nocciola Gentile Romana, organizzato da Omnia Tuscia, è apparso su 'Prensa Latina, agenzia di stampa ufficiale di Cuba, un articolo sulla nocciola a firma del giornalista Frank González.

Il link al lavoro è il seguente:


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About Omnia TUSCIA

Omnia TUSCIA is a non-profit association that was created to encourage the cultural growth of the territory and its knowledge also in the international field.

To do this, the Association takes care of promoting local excellence in the economic, cultural and scientific fields through the organization or sponsorship of meetings and seminars with the social realities present in the area, as well as through any other initiative suitable for the development of deeper and extensive realities between the institutions and the economic and cultural environments of Tuscia and foreign countries.
